May 18, 2021 | ORA Health Tip
In segment three of the Bike School series from ORA Orthopedics and Rock Valley Physical Therapy, avid cyclists, Dr. Andrew Bries and Anna Perry share some tips on bike handling and rules to stay safe while on bike paths or on the streets.
Apr 29, 2021 | ORA Health Tip
Make sure your family enjoys a healthy, happy and safe bike experience by using the best ride-along options. ORA’s Dr. Andrew Bries and Rock Valley Physical Therapist Anna Perry walk you through the details.
Apr 28, 2021 | ORA Health Tip
In the second part of our Bike School series, Rock Valley Physical Therapist Anna Perry visits a local bike shop to demonstrate how to evaluate and select the best bike for you.
Apr 27, 2021 | ORA Health Tip
ORA’s Dr. Andrew Bries and Rock Valley Physical Therapist Anna Perry share their reasons why cycling is great for fitness, rehab after surgery, or at any age when impact sports are not an option.
Jan 27, 2020 | Get Fit
Check out these common-sense, money-saving tips to support your fitness goals!
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