Success Stories

Eat Smart &
Get Fit

Battle of
The Bulge

What Moves Me

QC Outdoors

ORA Health Tips

Eating right and exercising doesn’t have to be hard – and LMQC presents local experts from around the Quad Cities who are more than willing to show you the way.

Road trip goodies that won’t crash your diet

Road trip goodies that won’t crash your diet

Before you climb in the car for your next road trip, make sure you pack food that’s good for you and good to go. Nutritionist blogger Jenny Tackett passes along four healthy tips to make sure you’re cutting some calories (and saving a few bucks) on your next trip.

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Them’s the breaks.

Them’s the breaks.

Gabe Lareau, 19, our featured “Bike-to-Work Week” blogger, shares some tips for making sure your bike remains relatively trouble-free (even if it means you might have to make a repair on the fly) and safe for your travels.

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A lifetime of biking can take you places.

A lifetime of biking can take you places.

Gabe Lareau, 19, Moline is LMQC’s 2021 Bike To Work Week Blogger, sharing his love for cycling and perspective on the benefits of biking to work and the issues surrounding local cycling routes.

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How much protein is enough?

How much protein is enough?

Exercise and diet experts alike sing the praises of protein to sate hunger, build muscles, and keep your fitness plan on track. LMQC dietary blogger and Registered Dietitian, Jeni Tackett, explains protein basics and why we all need it.

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Cycling Nutrition: Food is Fuel

Cycling Nutrition: Food is Fuel

What you eat and when you eat it can make a difference in the quality of your bike ride. Nutritionist blogger, Jeni Tackett shares her tips on preparing and consuming “bike fuel.”

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Four ways to spring clean your life.

Four ways to spring clean your life.

After surviving 2020, your life may need a spring cleaning. LMQC blogger Jeni Tacket suggests that decluttering your space and figuratively cleaning up your mindset can do wonders for your habits this year.

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Five ways to eat smart at a picnic.

Five ways to eat smart at a picnic.

Summer is filled with fun, outside activities and that means more outdoor meals. Picnics can be a great change of pace from an indoor meal, but beware of over-indulging. LMQC Nutrition Blogger, Jeni Tackett shares her five tips for surviving your next picnic.

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Vitamin D: the magic cure?

Vitamin D: the magic cure?

Can adequate Vitamin D levels help you prevent cancer, avoid a heart attack, and even reduce the symptoms of COVID-19? Learn the facts about Vitamin D and how it can help you power through what’s left of winter!

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How to choose a healthy pandemic menu!

How to choose a healthy pandemic menu!

Don’t fall into the trap of eating unhealthy during this pandemic. QC dietitian Jeni Tackett shares tips for purchasing, storing foods to help keep you and your family healthy.

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Eating right and exercising doesn’t have to be hard – and LMQC presents local experts from around the Quad Cities who are more than willing to show you the way.

Road trip goodies that won’t crash your diet

Road trip goodies that won’t crash your diet

Before you climb in the car for your next road trip, make sure you pack food that’s good for you and good to go. Nutritionist blogger Jenny Tackett passes along four healthy tips to make sure you’re cutting some calories (and saving a few bucks) on your next trip.

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Them’s the breaks.

Them’s the breaks.

Gabe Lareau, 19, our featured “Bike-to-Work Week” blogger, shares some tips for making sure your bike remains relatively trouble-free (even if it means you might have to make a repair on the fly) and safe for your travels.

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A lifetime of biking can take you places.

A lifetime of biking can take you places.

Gabe Lareau, 19, Moline is LMQC’s 2021 Bike To Work Week Blogger, sharing his love for cycling and perspective on the benefits of biking to work and the issues surrounding local cycling routes.

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How much protein is enough?

How much protein is enough?

Exercise and diet experts alike sing the praises of protein to sate hunger, build muscles, and keep your fitness plan on track. LMQC dietary blogger and Registered Dietitian, Jeni Tackett, explains protein basics and why we all need it.

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Cycling Nutrition: Food is Fuel

Cycling Nutrition: Food is Fuel

What you eat and when you eat it can make a difference in the quality of your bike ride. Nutritionist blogger, Jeni Tackett shares her tips on preparing and consuming “bike fuel.”

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Four ways to spring clean your life.

Four ways to spring clean your life.

After surviving 2020, your life may need a spring cleaning. LMQC blogger Jeni Tacket suggests that decluttering your space and figuratively cleaning up your mindset can do wonders for your habits this year.

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Five ways to eat smart at a picnic.

Five ways to eat smart at a picnic.

Summer is filled with fun, outside activities and that means more outdoor meals. Picnics can be a great change of pace from an indoor meal, but beware of over-indulging. LMQC Nutrition Blogger, Jeni Tackett shares her five tips for surviving your next picnic.

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Vitamin D: the magic cure?

Vitamin D: the magic cure?

Can adequate Vitamin D levels help you prevent cancer, avoid a heart attack, and even reduce the symptoms of COVID-19? Learn the facts about Vitamin D and how it can help you power through what’s left of winter!

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How to choose a healthy pandemic menu!

How to choose a healthy pandemic menu!

Don’t fall into the trap of eating unhealthy during this pandemic. QC dietitian Jeni Tackett shares tips for purchasing, storing foods to help keep you and your family healthy.

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