by Wade Ellett, LMQC Outoor Blogger
Snow covers the ground. Let’s have some fun!
I know that lots of us would prefer to stay inside while winter is still raging outside, but it’s better to get outside and stay active, in spite of the low temps.
With that in mind, I feel like now is a good time to explore a couple of fun activities that you can only do in the cold and snow!
First up, let’s go snowshoeing! Clarissa and I are not committed enough to buy snowshoes yet, so we rented a couple of pairs. (See where below.)
We trekked around Lost Grove Lake for an hour or so before trucking over to Loud Thunder for more snowshoe action.
All told, we spent about 3 hours snowshoeing, but only covered about 4 miles.
It takes a little getting used to, but if you can handle hiking, you can likely snowshoe without any issues.
Helpful tips

Make sure you check your bindings before heading off into the snow!
Watch your step! Be careful not to get them caught on one another.
Insulate yourself. Be sure to wear layers.
Drink plenty of water. Don’t forget to stay hydrated.
Get an assist. I would also recommend using trekking poles just to add a little balance, especially early on.
Stay in control on downhill slopes. If you need to go downhill, bend your knees, shift your weight back slightly, and slowly place your heel down first, then bring your toe down.
Walk like a duck. When going uphill, you may want to duck-walk just a bit, or kick the front of your snowshoe into the snow in front of you, so you can firmly plant the crampon on the bottom of the shoe letting you ascend safely.
Check your conditions. For a good experience, make sure there’s at least 6 inches of snow on the ground!
Where to Rent Snowshoes
Active Endeavors rents snowshoes. You can take them anywhere, and they will provide you with ideas if you’re not sure where you want to go.
The Wapsi Center also rents snowshoes that you must use on their property. The good news is that you’ll have plenty of trails to explore!
Cross Country Skiing
If snowshoeing isn’t your mug of cocoa, check out cross country skiing. Let me tell you, it may be cold outside, but once you get moving on these skis, you’re going to work up a sweat!
We skied for an hour which doesn’t sound like much, but we didn’t have a lot more in us after that!
We awkwardly skied around, slipping, tripping, falling, and laughing the whole time. I found skiing more difficult than snowshoeing, as well as more exhausting, but it’s still an incredibly fun outing that I highly recommend.
I’m not a proficient skier yet, but in theory it’s simple: you take the same synchronized rhythm your arms and legs move in while walking or running, and in a shuffling motion, move your feet and skis forward, keeping them parallel to each other.
Simple in theory, but in practice … Well. Let’s just say that I could use a bit more practice. Keeping the skis parallel was not my strong suit.
I also ended up crossing my skis a few time, which brought me down to the snow once or twice. But I have no complaints; cross country skiing proved itself a great outdoor activity that got my heart pumping!
Our friends at the Wapsi Center can help you out with cross country skiing too!
Whether you decide to strap on snowshoes or skis, have an awesome time!
LMQC Outdoors Blogger Wade Ellett explores the QC winter wonderland on snowshoes and cross-country skis. Here, he reports back on the best spots for you to try!
Snow covers the ground. Let’s have some fun!
I know that lots of us would prefer to stay inside while winter is still raging outside, but it’s better to get outside and stay active, in spite of the low temps.
With that in mind, I feel like now is a good time to explore a couple of fun activities that you can only do in the cold and snow!
First up, let’s go snowshoeing! Clarissa and I are not committed enough to buy snowshoes yet, so we rented a couple of pairs. (See where below.)
We trekked around Lost Grove Lake for an hour or so before trucking over to Loud Thunder for more snowshoe action.
All told, we spent about 3 hours snowshoeing, but only covered about 4 miles.
It takes a little getting used to, but if you can handle hiking, you can likely snowshoe without any issues.

Make sure you check your bindings before heading off into the snow!
Helpful tips
Remember that I’m new at this too, so don’t rely solely on the advice in this post. I’m a newbie too! We did pick up a few tips that might be helpful if you decide to give snowshoeing a try
Watch your step! Be careful not to get them caught on one another.
Insulate yourself. Be sure to wear layers.
Drink plenty of water. Don’t forget to stay hydrated.
Get an assist. I would also recommend using trekking poles just to add a little balance, especially early on.
Stay in control on downhill slopes. If you need to go downhill, bend your knees, shift your weight back slightly, and slowly place your heel down first, then bring your toe down.
Walk like a duck. When going uphill, you may want to duck-walk just a bit, or kick the front of your snowshoe into the snow in front of you, so you can firmly plant the crampon on the bottom of the shoe letting you ascend safely.
Check your conditions. For a good experience, make sure there’s at least 6 inches of snow on the ground!
Where to Rent Snowshoes
Active Endeavors rents snowshoes. You can take them anywhere, and they will provide you with ideas if you’re not sure where you want to go.
The Wapsi Center also rents snowshoes that you must use on their property. The good news is that you’ll have plenty of trails to explore!
Cross Country Skiing
If snowshoeing isn’t your mug of cocoa, check out cross country skiing. Let me tell you, it may be cold outside, but once you get moving on these skis, you’re going to work up a sweat!
We skied for an hour which doesn’t sound like much, but we didn’t have a lot more in us after that!
We awkwardly skied around, slipping, tripping, falling, and laughing the whole time. I found skiing more difficult than snowshoeing, as well as more exhausting, but it’s still an incredibly fun outing that I highly recommend.
I’m not a proficient skier yet, but in theory it’s simple: you take the same synchronized rhythm your arms and legs move in while walking or running, and in a shuffling motion, move your feet and skis forward, keeping them parallel to each other.
Simple in theory, but in practice … Well. Let’s just say that I could use a bit more practice. Keeping the skis parallel was not my strong suit.
I also ended up crossing my skis a few time, which brought me down to the snow once or twice. But I have no complaints; cross country skiing proved itself a great outdoor activity that got my heart pumping!
Our friends at the Wapsi Center can help you out with cross country skiing too!
Whether you decide to strap on snowshoes or skis, have an awesome time!
Photos from Wade’s latest winter adventure in the QCA:

Wade Ellett
Outdoor Blogger and Pathfinder
Wade is an outdoor adventurer who shares his passion for QC outdoor adventures – he was a regular contributor to Let’s Move Quad Cities when he lived in the area between 2016 – 2019.
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