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Gabe Lareau, 19, Moline is LMQC’s 2021 Bike To Work Week Blogger, sharing his love for cycling and perspective on the benefits of biking to work and the issues surrounding local cycling routes.

Editor’s Note: This week, May 17-21, it’s National Bike to Work week. Let’s Move Quad Cities asked local cyclist and college student, Gabe Lareau, 19, Moline, to share his love for cycling to work as he pedals to the Two Rivers YMCA in Moline every day, where he is a summer counselor. Check in daily for Gabe’s perspective on biking to work and why we should consider this relaxing, environmentally friendly, and unique way to enjoy our community.

Take the lead, Gabe….

Gabe Lareau, college student and avid biker, is riding his bike to his summer job at Two Rivers YMCA.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock (which I totally won’t fault you for considering the circumstances), it is Bike to Work Week! So, take this as your definitive, no excuses call to pump up those tires, adjust those helmet straps and join me in putting the pedal to the metal in a different fashion — one that’ll have you feeling healthier, safer, and greener, even if you might get a little wet along the way.

Also, hello! I’m Gabe Lareau and I have been biking to work and school ever since I was in the sixth grade when I got my “big boy” bike that, if I rode it today, would find its tires quickly popped. Oh, just like a never-ending bike trail, how the journey of life completely rewires your perspective. When I first started riding my bike to Wilson Middle School in Moline, I found myself disgruntled at having to get my own self to school, like a cat who you’ve just moved off of their favorite napping spot. Hiss. Even more, I found myself with the added embarrassment of wearing a helmet while all the other kids who rode bikes got to show their bare craniums for all the school to see. Once again, how perspectives can change so incredibly quick.

After years of biking to and from Moline High School and Sacred Heart Church, I fell off the bike bandwagon (does a double transportation method metaphor even work?) and found myself once again on the outskirts as all of my friends were getting cars. Which meant I more often opted to ride with them than parade my two-wheeled, pedal-powered apparatus of the uncool all around town.

Gabe started on two wheels (plus a little help) early in life – he’s 3 years old in this photo.

Now, that I’m in college (for all those Illini out there: I-L-L! For all those Hawkeyes: my sister went there so maybe we can be friends?) biking is now cool again on campus, so I’ve enjoyed venturing out as much as I can on my 1970’s Fuji road bike.

Which leads me to today and this rainy “summer” Monday, where we all have the privilege of riding through together. As you ride with me to and from work, reflect on how you feel, how this compares to a car, and even if this could become a permanent habit. Yes, those incoming hills are going to suck. Yes, you might end up a little bit wet.

It may take a bit more preplanning for work wardrobe, and yes, maybe you’ll be the unfortunate subject of a car heckler for hogging the road with two thin tires as they speed past you in an SUV or truck that rivals a semi. (However you’ll be surprised how our local bike paths can make getting to work quicker without stop lights.) Whatever the case, grit your teeth, stick up your chin, and (as my mom always says) don’t stop until you hear the whistle.

Let’s ride.

Editor’s Note: This week, May 17-21, it’s National Bike to Work week. Let’s Move Quad Cities asked local cyclist and college student, Gabe Lareau, 19, Moline, to share his love for cycling to work as he pedals to the Two Rivers YMCA in Moline every day, where he is a summer counselor. Check in daily for Gabe’s perspective on biking to work and why we should consider this relaxing, environmentally friendly, and unique way to enjoy our community.

Take the lead, Gabe….

Gabe Lareau, college student and avid biker, is riding his bike to his summer job at Two Rivers YMCA.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock (which I totally won’t fault you for considering the circumstances), it is Bike to Work Week! So, take this as your definitive, no excuses call to pump up those tires, adjust those helmet straps and join me in putting the pedal to the metal in a different fashion — one that’ll have you feeling healthier, safer, and greener, even if you might get a little wet along the way.

Also, hello! I’m Gabe Lareau and I have been biking to work and school ever since I was in the sixth grade when I got my “big boy” bike that, if I rode it today, would find its tires quickly popped. Oh, just like a never-ending bike trail, how the journey of life completely rewires your perspective. When I first started riding my bike to Wilson Middle School in Moline, I found myself disgruntled at having to get my own self to school, like a cat who you’ve just moved off of their favorite napping spot. Hiss. Even more, I found myself with the added embarrassment of wearing a helmet while all the other kids who rode bikes got to show their bare craniums for all the school to see. Once again, how perspectives can change so incredibly quick.

After years of biking to and from Moline High School and Sacred Heart Church, I fell off the bike bandwagon (does a double transportation method metaphor even work?) and found myself once again on the outskirts as all of my friends were getting cars. Which meant I more often opted to ride with them than parade my two-wheeled, pedal-powered apparatus of the uncool all around town.

Gabe started on two wheels (plus a little help) early in life – he’s 3 years old in this photo.

Now, that I’m in college (for all those Illini out there: I-L-L! For all those Hawkeyes: my sister went there so maybe we can be friends?) biking is now cool again on campus, so I’ve enjoyed venturing out as much as I can on my 1970’s Fuji road bike.

Which leads me to today and this rainy “summer” Monday, where we all have the privilege of riding through together. As you ride with me to and from work, reflect on how you feel, how this compares to a car, and even if this could become a permanent habit. Yes, those incoming hills are going to suck. Yes, you might end up a little bit wet.

It may take a bit more preplanning for work wardrobe, and yes, maybe you’ll be the unfortunate subject of a car heckler for hogging the road with two thin tires as they speed past you in an SUV or truck that rivals a semi. (However you’ll be surprised how our local bike paths can make getting to work quicker without stop lights.) Whatever the case, grit your teeth, stick up your chin, and (as my mom always says) don’t stop until you hear the whistle.

Let’s ride.

For more on this topic ...

You can read all of Gabe's articles in his exclusive series for Let's Move QC: