Keep the spring in your step.
ORA Orthopedic’s Physician’s Assistant, Jim Earel, shows us how you can ease into running and avoid injuries this spring.
ORA Orthopedic’s Physician’s Assistant, Jim Earel, shows us how you can ease into running and avoid injuries this spring.
Younger and younger players are being hurt on the field leading to a rise in youth sports injuries. Samantha’s story shows how to keep them safe!
Following Tiger Woods’s most recent and tragic accident, local fans have been keeping a close eye on the developments surrounding Woods’ injuries. ORA phyisican, Dr. Ryan Dunlay, explains what lies ahead forTiger Woods to 97x’s Dwyer and Michaels.
ORA Orthopedic’s Dr. J.C. Clark provides his advice on how selecting the right home gym equipment and workout can boost your health while reducing your risk for surgical complications!
According to ORA Orthopedics’ Dr. Joseph Martin, extra weight may be contributing to your arthritis and keeping your recovery from surgery from taking off.
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