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You can’t outrun a bad diet

You can’t outrun a bad diet

Want to drop a few pounds and slim down? Cardio is great, but that won’t get you there alone.  LMQC dietary blogger and Registered Dietitian Jeni Tackett explains why it’s impossible to run away from a bad diet.

You can’t outrun a bad diet

You can’t outrun a bad diet

Want to drop a few pounds and slim down? Cardio is great, but that won’t get you there alone.  LMQC dietary blogger and Registered Dietitian Jeni Tackett explains why it’s impossible to run away from a bad diet.

How much protein is enough?

How much protein is enough?

Exercise and diet experts alike sing the praises of protein to sate hunger, build muscles, and keep your fitness plan on track. LMQC dietary blogger and Registered Dietitian, Jeni Tackett, explains protein basics and why we all need it.